Friday, January 25, 2008

6. More information= more smiles and excitement!!

I just received an email from Emily, and as always, I'm left re-energized and [nearly] as excited as I was the day I found out I was going to Ghana!!

I don't have time to write now, very behind in school and life, but I'll share a few links with you!!

This is a link to Unicef regarding Millennium Development Goal #2 Achieving Universal Primary Education by 2015
And it just dawned on me that I should explain the MDG's as many may not be aware of them.. look forward for that in another post!! :)

This is the Uniterra website and in some time it will be updated with information on the 2008 participants (including moi!).

Lastly, this is a small page on Uniterra's work with Education in Ghana:
for_basic_education_in_ghana.html, explaining briefly the focus on increasing and retaining the number of girls in school, and promoting gender equality.

Hopefully these websites provide you with some more info, should you be curious!!
And I hope they provide you with ways to further learn about the complexities of Education in Ghana!

Thanks a tonne for reading,
Love Robin

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